Limited social interactions in COVID-19 and its effect on mental health

09 Mar 2021 | By: HB Manager

The world has been changed by the outbreak of COVID-19. We all are living in a fear of us or people close to us are affected. We also have to comply with regulations and make sure that we interact with others following the SOPs. And after the vaccine, we may always feel vulnerable in social gatherings. Human meetups are something that can’t ever be halted, but it is always better to do it safely.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed the way we interact completely. We have to wear a face mask and maintain social distancing while meeting others. This has affected the way people conceive other’s emotions. And many scholars have stated how it is affecting people’s well-being. The presence of the face mask influences the recognition of other emotions and the social distancing is developing a sense of threat and discomfort in individuals. It is uncertain when the pandemic would end but it is going to end with both short and long-term implications for mental health. Research has shown that the mental health impact of disasters stays longer than the physical impact. And therefore, it will stay more than the coronavirus outbreak.

Social interactions ensure that empathy, cooperation, gratitude, and compliance takes place. These are the emotional and cognitive processes that are essential for the well-being of humans. These also reduce emotions that are associated with stress, depression, and isolation. And since social interactions are limited, it has taken a huge mental health toll on individuals around the world. Various researches have highlighted how psychological well-being has been affected by the outbreak of COVID-19 and people are most likely to develop anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Many people lost their jobs, schools and colleges were shut down and the fear of being diagnosed positive added up to it. Many people lost their loved ones and many still live in the fear of loved ones due to the pandemic. And those individuals who were diagnosed positive, lived two weeks in total isolation and it added up to their anxiety and stress.

Mental health sufferings are being widely observed. There is a state of panic, fear, and stress existing due to COVID-19. It has also increased the suicide rate in Pakistan and countries around the world. And it is essential to take steps to address mental health issues in our country. The government has provided a 26 pages document that has guidelines to manage the psychological impacts of COVID-19. Various mental health professionals in public hospitals are providing support to individuals going through mental health issues. Many clinics are running online and providing support to many individuals out there.

The media must play a huge role in this and carry out an awareness program on mental health and COVID-19 by inviting different psychologists and psychiatrists. Rehabilitation centers should be set up across the country and they should be providing 24 hours service to the public. The message should be spread among the nation that it is essential to seek professional help whenever required. Limited social interactions and social distancing are essential to halt the spread of COVID-19. And with that, we must take measures to protect our mental health. No doubt, better mental health is as important as physical health.