Vaccination of COVID-19

24 Mar 2021 | By: HB Manager

To understand how the vaccine works against COVID-19 works, we must know about how illness is fought by our body. When a virus enters a human body, they attack and multiply. This is termed an infection that causes illness. Our immune system fights the infection in several ways. And they are fought by different types of white blood cells in different ways.

When a person gets infected by a coronavirus, it takes several days for the body to fight against the virus, and then they get immune to it. The body stores a few T-lymphocytes, that encounter the virus if it enters again.

Vaccines also play a huge role in developing immunity against the virus. They work in different ways, but all types of vaccines leave the body with the supply of T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes. These remember how to fight the specific virus if it enters the body again.

COVID-19 vaccines work similarly. It leaves the body with T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes. After the vaccination is given to an individual, it takes a few weeks to produce T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes. There are chances that a person gets infected by COVID-19 just before or just after being vaccinated since the vaccine didn’t have enough time to prepare the protection.

After the application of the virus, an individual might get fever or diarrhea. These are normal symptoms and it portrays that the body is building immunity.

Types of COVID-19 vaccines

There are three main types of COVID-19 vaccines that are being made on a larger scale:

mRNA vaccines:

mrNA vaccines contain the components from the virus through which COVID-19 is caused. It gives our cell instructions on how to make a protein that is harmless and is also unique to the virus. Then the body builds T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes that remember to fight COVID-19 whenever it attacks in the future.

Protein subunit vaccines

Protein subunit vaccines consist of harmless pieces (proteins) of the virus that causes COVID-19 instead of the entire germ. Our body recognized the protein and builds T-lymphocytes and antibodies that remember to fight COVID-19 whenever it attacks in the future.

Vector Vaccines:

These consist of a modified version of another virus. In that virus, there is a material that causes COVID-19. Our body recognized the protein and builds T-lymphocytes and antibodies that remember to fight COVID-19 whenever it attacks in the future.

There are various sorts of COVID-19 Vaccines in the market such as Pfizer-BioNTech, Johnson & Johnston's Janssen, and Moderna. They are highly effective and have been showing good results. Some vaccines require two shots, such as Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna require two shots.  Johnson’s Janssen just requires one shot. If you just got your shots, or if you are waiting for your second shot, remember that you are not fully protected. You still need to take precautionary measures until you are completely vaccinated. And that happens two weeks after your final shot.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has turned the world upside down, it has imprinted fear in the hearts of many around the world. It is recommended for everyone to get vaccinated for COVID-19. It essential since it will protect COVID-19 and that is critically important. COVID-19 leads to critical illness or even death in some cases. If you have been vaccinated by COVID-19, you must keep taking precautions in the public and with those people who aren’t vaccinated yet.